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Saturday, 28 January 2012

A Safety Quick Note

Avoid Suffocation

Suffocation is a leading cause of unintentional injury-related death, and mostly cases occur in a baby's sleeping environment. An infant's nose and mouth can be covered accidently by soft fluffy pillows, comforters or soft toys (teddy bear n such), restricting the ability to breathe.

What we SHOULD DO:

1. Keep your baby's cot as bare as possible. Use only one light blanket. Tuck the bottom of the blanket underneath the end of the mattress. This will prevent the blanket to be pulled over his head and will only rest on his chest. As the weather get cooler dress your baby in warmer pyjamas instead of adding more blankets. Put away all soft toys when not needed.

2. NEVER propping a bottle up with pillows to feed your baby
The baby cannot control the flow of the milk. Once the baby fall asleep, he will stop sucking the milk and overflow milk will fill up mouth and nose, hence block the respiratory area. This can caused the baby to suffocate or chocked.

3. NEVER leave your baby UNATTENDED while: feeding, playing in the playpen or while in the bath tub. If your phone rings, let it be. The person will call you back or you can always trace the call and return the call.